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Статья опубликована в рамках: XCI Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные вопросы экономических наук и современного менеджмента» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 05 февраля 2025 г.)

Наука: Экономика

Секция: Инновационные подходы в современном менеджменте

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Библиографическое описание:
Chen P., Andrushchanka H.Yu. METHODS FOR ASSESSING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF GREEN LOGISTICS FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT // Актуальные вопросы экономических наук и современного менеджмента: сб. ст. по матер. XCI междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 2(74). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2025. – С. 143-147.
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Chen Peijiao

Master's Student, Belarusian State University,

Republic of Belarus, Minsk

Andrushchanka Hanna Yu.

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Belarusian State University,

Republic of Belarus, Minsk


This paper focuses on the effectiveness assessment of the formation and development of green logistics. Through the construction of the economic development level, the degree of openness and other aspects of the index system, the use of index analysis and related formula calculation method for research. The results show that each index has different impacts on the development of green logistics, such as the level of economic development has a dual impact, industrial agglomeration can promote development and so on. The development of green logistics is affected by a variety of factors, so it is necessary to comprehensively consider and formulate reasonable policies to promote its sustainable development.


Keywords: green logistics; influencing factors; evaluation index system; sustainable development; green economy; circular economy


The essence of green logistics is to minimize the negative impact of logistics operations on the environment. This area of research is of relevance in the context of sustainable development. To successfully implement the concept of green logistics, it is necessary to understand the factors influencing the development of green logistics and be able to evaluate each of them. As a result of our research, we have developed two-level system of indexes for assessing the development of green logistics, which is presented in Table 1. Let's look at each of the indicators in more detail.

Table 1.

Green logistics development economic index system

First-level indicators

Second-level indicators


Economic development level

GDP per capita

Measure regional economy and impact on logistics.

Level of opening

Total import and export volume at the location of the business unit

Import and export activities and foreign investment can promote or restrict logistics efficiency and green logistics practice.

Total investment of foreign-invested enterprises

Industrial agglomeration level

The value added of the logistics industry in the region as a percentage of the region's GDP

Contrast region and the national logistics industry in the position in the economy, reflecting the regional logistics industry agglomeration advantages, affect the logistics resource integration, cost reduction, and green logistics technology popularization and application.

The proportion of the added value of the national logistics industry in the national GDP

Low-carbon economic development level

CO2 emissions from logistics industry

The key indicator of low carbon emission reduction, the lower the value is, the higher the green logistics efficiency is.

Added value of logistics industry

Level of government investment in environmental protection

Local fiscal expenditure on environmental protection

Reflect the government's emphasis on environmental protection and capital support, affect green logistics related environmental protection policy, infrastructure construction and technology promotion.

General budget expenditures of local governments

Information level

Internet broadband access port

Logistics information transmission efficiency, resource allocation and green logistics operation and management of intelligent degree.

Cultural level of employees in logistics industry

The number of employees in the logistics to the number of employees in each industry

Reflecting the quality of logistics employees has an important impact on the acceptance of green logistics concept, technology application and operation and management efficiency.

Number of people with college degree or above


Economic development level. Comprehensively considering the level of economic development, it is necessary to understand what kind of impact and how large the impact will be on green logistics efficiency through empirical verification. The growth of this indicator, along with the positive effect, brings with it a few problems that can be solved by green logistics. There are various indicators to measure the level of economic development [2, p.110]. There are reasons and grounds for the choice of each indicator, and each researcher makes different indicator choices according to the specific situation of the study.

The level of opening-up. You can evaluate this parameter by measuring the total import and export volume and the total investment volume of foreign-invested enterprises in the location of the operating unit, we can better understand the impact of external openness on the logistics industry, to achieve the goal of sustainable development and resource optimization.

Industrial agglomeration level. Industrial agglomeration refers to the phenomenon that enterprises in the same industry are concentrated and related to each other in a specific region, forming industrial chains and industrial clusters [3, с. 26]. This parameter can be estimated using formula (1):

,                                                                                  (1)

IAL ─ industrial agglomeration level;

VALIr ─ the value added of the logistics industry in the region;

VALI ─ added value to the national logistics industry.

Low-carbon economic development level. The higher the level of low-carbon economic development is, the higher the efficiency of green logistics will be. The key to the development of low-carbon economy lies in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Countries around the world are actively taking measures to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, such as strengthening energy management, optimizing energy structure, and promoting clean energy [4, p. 87]. With the continuous development of low-carbon economy, green logistics has also become an important link. Green logistics refers to the realization of green, low-carbon and environmental protection in the whole process of logistics with energy saving and emission reduction as the main characteristics and low-carbon, environmental protection and sustainability as the guidance. The development of green logistics can not only reduce energy consumption and waste discharge, but also improve logistics efficiency and service quality, and bring more economic and social benefits to enterprises. The formula used in this paper is as follows (2):

,                                                                                 (2)

LEDL ─ low-carbon economic development level;

CO2ELI ─ CO2 emissions from logistics industry.

Government investment in environmental protection. The green development of logistics industry also needs to rely on the government's policy regulation and the investment level of government financial expenditure in environmental protection, that is, the evaluation of local financial environmental protection expenditure and local financial general budget expenditure, which ignores the financial capacity [6, с. 48]. The formula used in this paper is as follows (3):


,                                                                               (3)

LGIEP ─ level of government investment in environmental protection;

LFEEP ─ local fiscal expenditure on environmental protection;

GBELG ─ general budget expenditures of local governments.

Informatization level. The logistics industry is an information-dependent industry. Here we should evaluate, first, the level of development of the Internet [7, p. 76].

Cultural level of employees in the logistics industry. Data on the level of development of those employed in the logistics industry is difficult to collect The number of employees in the logistics industry is determined by the average number of employees in the city at the end of the previous year, the number of employees in transport warehouses, post offices and cities, and the number of employees in the logistics industry private enterprises and individual enterprises (ratio of average number of words) and ratio of the number of employees in the industry, as calculated by the following formula (4):

,                                                            (4)

CLELI ─ cultural level of employees in logistics industry;

NELI ─ number of employees in logistics industry;

NEPI ─ number of employed persons by industry;

NPCDO ─ number of people with college degree or above.

To sum up, the effectiveness evaluation system includes seven aspects: the level of economic development, the level of opening to the outside world, the level of industrial agglomeration, the level of low-carbon economic development, the level of government investment in environmental protection, the level of information technology and the cultural level of logistics industry employees. The formation and development of green logistics are affected by multiple factors, and it is necessary to comprehensively consider the interaction and influence between various factors, formulate scientific and reasonable policies and measures, and promote the sustainable development of green logistics.



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